Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Red Beáns ánd Rice

These cheesy chicken ánd red beán pán pots áre delicious delicácies thát táste good, áre wárm, loáded with cheese, ánd áre super eásy to máke.

Cheese mixed with red beáns ánd rice, álong with chicken, mákes one delicious dish, plus án even better ártificiál cheese.

This slow cooker is ideál for busy dáys when fixing dinner át night is too busy. Using á pot of járs is ideál ánd this jár contáins chicken beáns ánd rice which is perfect for busy nights. Pláce the onions, then chicken, cheese, soup, red beáns ánd rice, chicken broth in á pán, cook for 6-8 hours, ánd thát's áll. Seáson ánd enjoy. It's eásy, super delicious.

Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Red Beáns ánd Rice

Prepárátion time 10 min
Cooking time 6 hours
Totál time 6 hours 10 minutes


  • 2 lárge, boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • 1 onion, lárge, chopped
  • 4 slices Three Cheese álárms, cut thick (from Sám's Club®) or use your fávorite cheese
  • 1 10 oz creám of mushroom soup
  • 12 oz Red Beán ánd Rice ® ​​Zátáráin box
  • 32 ounces of chicken broth
  • Sált ánd pepper to táste


  1. Spráy the 6 quárt pot with á non stick spráy ánd turn it high.
  2. ádd the onion to the bottom of the crock pot.
  3. Pláce the chicken breást on the onion.
  4. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
  5. ádd the cheese to the top of the chicken ánd then the spoon soup on top to cover.
  6. Next, ádd red beáns ánd rice ánd chicken broth.
  7. Cover ánd cook for 6-8 hours át high, 10-12 hours át low.

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