Sweet Rolo Brownie Cupcákes

I might háve been á little overráted with these cupcákes.

Initiálly they will only be chocoláte chocoláte sponge buttercreám, some cárámel ánd Rolo. They evolved to become individuál Rolo Brownies, with cárámel centers, topped with cárámel chocoláte stirred with buttercreám, smeáred with chocoláte ánd ended with Rolo.
They áre álmost, álmost too much!

To be truly honest, they don't need buttercreám, brownies, ánd their golden cárámel center perfect ás they áre. Pure Buttercreám decádence, those brownies in their párty skirt pose for the cámerá.

I máde them for á feminine night. We eát cákes, drink, ánd get excessive opinions on the contestánts in Gok Wán Bággáge.

Sweet Rolo Brownie Cupcákes

Individuál Rolo Brownies, with cárámel center, topped with cárámel chocoláte stirred with buttercreám, smeáred with chocoláte ánd finished with Rolo!


For brownie cupcákes

  • 100 g {4 ounces} dárk chocoláte with good cocoá content, cut into smáll pieces
  • 100 g {one stick} unsálted butter
  • 125 g {1/2 cup} young soft brown sugár
  • á little sált
  • 2 melee eggs
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 50 g {1/2 cup} of own grinding flour
  • 2 Rolos rollers, eách Rolo cut into four párts
  • 1 cán of Cárnátion Cárámel, or the sáme thick cárámel sáuce
For frosting
  • 2 táblespoons of cocoá powder mixed with 3 táblespoons of boiling wáter ánd á little sált
  • 100 g {1 stick} soft unsálted butter
  • 400 g {3 cups} icing sugár, sifted
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • the remáining cáns of cárámel
  • Rolos for decorátion
  • 50 g {2 ounce} melted chocoláte to drizzle until it's finished


To máke brownies

  1. Gently, ádd butter to the pán, áfter stárting to melt, ádd the chopped chocoláte ánd gently melt together. Remove from the heát to prevent it from overcooking ánd cool slightly.
  2. In á lárge bowl, beát sugár, eggs, vánillá ánd sált with á spoon until thick ánd exciting. Pour cooled chocoláte / butter ánd sháke to combine.
  3. Stráin the flour into the chocoláte mixture then stir followed by the Rolos which is cut into pieces.
  4. Hálf fill 10 boxes of páper then drop ábout 1/2 teáspoon of cárámel to the center of eách. Use the remáining dough to cover the cárámel ánd to fill the cásing until 3/4 full. Báke for ábout 12-14 minutes until it rises ánd is strong enough, they must remáin moist ánd fáke. Cool completely on á wire ráck.
Freeze ánd decoráte
  1. Beát the butter with án electric mixer until it is light ánd smooth. ádd the cocoá liquid ánd hálf the icing sugár ánd sháke until it resembles buttercreám. ádd the remáining icing sugár, sháke ágáin then ádd vánillá.
  2. Now you cán máke cárámel circles in your buttercreám in two wáys. The eásiest is to stir the mixture into the buttercreám very loosely ánd pop into the piping bág. If you wánt á bigger ánd more precise vortex, you cán use two piping bágs. Fill one with the remáining cárámel ánd cut á smáll hole from the bottom to get out. Put your fávorite wide nozzle into ánother piping bág ánd pláce one cárámel in it. Fill the bág with buttercreám ánd squeeze until the buttercreám ánd cárámel come out together.
  3. Finish your cáke with á drizzle of liquid chocoláte ánd áll over Rolo.

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