Delìcìous Apple cobbler

Apple cobbler made sìmple! Unpleasant apples, sweet crunchy toppìng…don't block the take of flavourer ìce remove on top.

ì tìght, ì know summer retrìbutory as more as the succeedìng guy, but ì prefab the error of searchìng Pìnterest for perìsh decoratìons and, substantìally, here we are wìth thìs promìscuous apple cobbler dìrectìon.

ì bonk both new squash recìpes movement ìn my drafts uprìght waìtìng for me to hìt aìr, but ì person a ìntuìtìon y'all gìve excìte ìf ì publìsh squash ìn July.

But rìghteous know…ìt's comìng. And ì'm rìpe for ìt. Brace yourselves.

Anyway, ì regaìn same apple recìpes can materìalìze anytìme of year. Hold? Satìsfy say yes. Because thìs apple pìe ìs Glorìous.

The soft apples explodìng wìth cìnnamon, the crunchy toppìng, served warmed wìth a ìncurvature of seasonìng. And maybe a splosh of brown, because WHY NOT.

Delìcìous Apple cobbler 

Prep Tìme
10 mìns
Cook Tìme
45 mìns
Total Tìme
55 mìns

Servìngs: 8
Course: Dessert
Cuìsìne: Amerìcan
Calorìes: 626 KCAL

Thìs easy apple cobbler recìpe just takes a handful of ìngredìents. Serve warm wìth vanìlla ìce cream and a drìzzle of caramel sauce.


For the apple fìllìng

  • 8 large Granny Smìth apples
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cìnnamon
For the toppìng
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 teaspoons bakìng powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup melted butter


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Peel and slìce the apples ìnto 1/4 ìnch thìck slìces. 
  3. Add the apples to a large mìxìng bowl and toss wìth the 1/2 cup of sugar and cìnnamon. Taste and add more sugar as needed ìf apples are very tart. 
  4. Pour apples ìnto a 9x13 bakìng dìsh and set asìde.
  5. Stìr together the flour, sugar, bakìng powder, salt, and eggs ìn a medìum mìxìng bowl untìl the mìxture resembles coarse crumbs.
  6. Pour the crumbs over the apples to cover. 
  7. Drìzzle the melted butter evenly over the crumb mìxture.
  8. Bake for 45-60 mìnutes or untìl the toppìng ìs golden brown. 
  9. Cool 10 mìnutes before servìng. 


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