Beáutifull Pink Cáke With Frills

Pink ruffle cáke - cáke for reál princesses! Pink (ánd how), the boss is whipped with creám ánd soáked in lemon juice, though thát needs to be tránsláted with the áddition of your little princess fávorite. Dreám for á birthdáy párty, báby shower, báptism, or first communion. I imágine how beáutiful it must look áll white ... This is not difficult to do ánd does not require á lot of práctice. I rárely decoráte cákes or muffins (máybe more often thán usuál), ánd this scrámbling cáke is the first of its kind. Sponge cáke, which is the báse of the cáke thát you háve tested more thán once. This is á reliáble sponge cáke mold, báked in pink. Creámy butter in Swiss meringue, Márthá Stewárt recipe. á little complicáted, does not require á confectionery thermometer ánd is very duráble. There will be no problem with tránsporting ánd storing cákes. Decorátion - luxurious ánd trendy :-). I highly recommend!

Máteriáls for sponge cáke sponge 23 cm:

  • 5 eggs, protein ánd egg yolks sepárátely
  • 3/4 cup sugár
  • 3/4 cup of flour
  • 1/4 cup of potáto flour

less thán hálf á teáspoon of pink or red coloring, in pástá / gel
áll ingredients must be át room temperáture.

Prepáre 3 shápes with á diámeter of 23 cm ánd pláce the bottom on báking páper. Wheát flour ánd sifted potáto flour, divided into 3 equál párts, áre stored for láter.

Sepáráte protein from egg yolks, sháke with rigid foám. át the end of whipping, ádd sugár gráduálly, spoon áfter spoon, continue to sháke. ádd egg yolks in turn, still sháking.

Divide the máss produced evenly between 3 bowls. ádd á little dye to the first one, sháke it. ádd more coloring to the next section ánd sháke to get countertops with three different pink shádes.

ádd one párt flour ánd flour to eách pink máss, stir with á spátulá. Move the máss to the previously prepáred templáte, álign it.

Báke át 160ºC for ábout 15-20 minutes or until the so-cálled dry stick.

Remove the hot cáke from the oven, leáve it (in shápe) to the floor from á height of ábout 30 cm. Set it to the tilted oven to cool. Very cool.

Note: the side of the sponge cáke must be sepáráted by á knife from the mold until the sponge cáke is cooled.

The recipe ábove is for whát is cálled á sponge cáke cást. If you báke it for the first time, it's good to check the originál recipe.


  • 1/4 cup of lemon juice (or for big princesses - lemon limoncello liqueur ;-)
  • 1/4 gláss of wáter
Mix ingredients.

To tránsláte the biscuit:

  • 250 ml of fondánt creám 36%, chilled
  • 2 táblespoons of powdered sugár
  • skin peeled from 1 lemon

Fry the whipping creám, ádding powdered sugár át the end of whipping. Stir in the lemon rind. Put down.

Butter creám on Swiss meringue buttercreám:

  • 460 g of butter, át room temperáture, cut into smáll pieces
  • 6 proteins
  • 1.5 cups of sugár
  • á little sált
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá extráct or vánillá páste
  • á little pink or red coloring

Protein (cán be directly from the refrigerátor) is put in á mixing bowl, ádd á little sált ánd sugár. Pláce á bowl over á wáter báth. áll during heáting, stirring with á stem or spoon / fork, until the sugár in the protein is completely dissolved (it is best to check it orgánolepticálly, rubbing between the fingers should not be seen sugár gránules). If the protein bowl (ánd protein with sugár) wárms up strongly, set it áside to wáke á little.

áfter this time, whip the protein with sugár thoroughly in the mixer (the tip of the whip for ábout 10 minutes) until the máss is very thick ánd the meringue is completely cold.

Chánge the tip of the mixer to mixing. Gráduálly, ádd little by little to butter, mix áll the time. áfter some time from the stárt whipping, the máss will be thinner ánd will look cheerful (not pánic át áll!) This is ;-). This is á sign thát everything is fine ánd you áre only á few minutes from receiving creám. Continue mixing until the creám thickens. ádd vánillá extráct (or your fávorite), slightly dye ánd stir. The máss thát hás been completed will be typicál of 'mlásk' with mixer wálls.

Máking cáke:

Pláce the top of the dárkest pink biscuits on the páte (note, the dish must be át leást 4 cm in diámeter lárger thán the top of the cáke to mátch the frills). Soák 1/3 of the prepáred blow. Brush with hálf whipped creám. Cover with á lighter pink top, soák hálf of the rest of the punch, spreád with the rest of the creám. Put the brightest pink top on top. Dráin with the rest of the punch.

Brush the top ánd sides of the cáke with párt of the butter creám.

ádd the creám to the cándy shell with decorátive teárdrops in the form of shárp teárdrops (Wilton No. 104). While holding the cándy bág in án upright position, with the shárp edge pointing át you, ánd rounding it into the cáke - squeeze the áppendáge columns, ás in instructionál films. Frills must touch the side of the cáke. áfter decoráting the sides, decoráte the top of the cáke.

Cool ánd chill. Before tásting, it's good to remove the refrigerátor first so thát the frills áre softer.


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